Sun Moon Lake black tea from Taiwan
Surrounded by rolling hills and mountains, Sun Moon Lake is located in the heart of Taiwan at 750 meters above sea level.
picture of Jason Lye on Pixabay
During the Japanese occupation, Assamica tea plants were imported to Yuchi from India because ideal growing conditions were found in the area around Sun Moon Lake. The black tea was of such high quality that it was also served to the Japanese emperor at that time.
The first generation tea trees are now over 80 years old and continue to be cultivated.
In the meantime, the tea cultivars have been further improved with the support of the TRES (Tea Research and Extension Station). The best-known cultivar is certainly Ruby #18, which arose from a cross between a wild Taiwanese tea variety and the Burmese Assamica cultivar.
You can find an overview of the TRES cultivars here in our BLOG